Online Resource - Resources for Pilots

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Below is a list of online resources available in the Reference and Databases category. The FAA is not responsible for the contents of the non-government sites listed. The list is provided only as a convenience to the users of this site. Click here to return to the category list

Accident Database (AOPA)
This link goes to AOPA/ASF's accident analysis database.
Accident Database (FAA)
The FAA's Aviation Safety Information Analysis and Sharing (ASIAS), formerly (NASDAC), enables queries across mulitple databases.
Accident Database (NTSB)
The NTSB aviation accident database contains information from 1962 and later about civil aviation accidents and selected incidents within the United States, its territories and possessions, and in international waters.
Airman Certification Information (FAA)
This link goes to the FAA's airman certification information site.
Airman Services (FAA)
This link goes to the FAA's online database registration page.
AirNav Airport Information
This link goes to a searchable form on airports, navaids, airspace fixes, and aviation fuel.
AIS, Digital Terminal Procedures Publication
This page provides a portal for searching, viewing, and downloading all the US Terminal Procedure Publications (TPPs), which are available in PDF format files.
Aviation Safety Network
The Aviation Safety Network covers accidents and safety issues about airliners.
Aviation Safety Reporting Program (FAA)
This advisory circular describes the FAA Aviation Safety Reporting Program, which uses the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) as a third party to receive reports.
Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS)
The ASRS ("NASA forms") collects, analyzes, and responds to voluntarily submitted aviation safety incident reports in order to lessen the likelihood of aviation accidents.
Aviators Model Code of Conduct
This site provides suggested practices for general aviation pilots to advance flight safety, airmanship and the general aviation community.
Dynamic Regulatory System(FAA)
DRS consolidates information provided by various Services and Offices
FAA Safety Briefing Magazine
The FAA Safety Policy Voice of Non-commercial General Aviation
Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR)
Note: The Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR) is a prototype demonstration project. It is not yet an official legal edition of the CFR.
Flight Instructor Refresher Clinics
This link goes to information about flight instructor refresher clinics (FIRCs).
Aviation/Airport Directory and Blog
ICAO iSTARS Data Portal
This ICAO site provides access to safety-related information, including safety management data.
Information Alerts for Operators (InFO) - FAA
An Information for Operators (InFO) message contains information to help operators meet administrative or certain regulatory requirements with relatively low urgency or impact on safety.
Medical Examiner Locator
This page provides a variety of ways to search for an FAA Aviation Medical Examiner (AME).
National Transportation Library (DOT)
This link goes to the Department of Transportation's online National Transportation Library.
New York City Special Flight Rules Area (SFRA) Kneeboard Aid
Kneeboard Quick Reference for the New York Special Flight Rules Area (SFRA) includes important frequencies to be used during operations in this congested airspace.
This link goes to FAA's notices to airmen PilotWeb NOTAM LookUp page.
NOTAMS - Pilot Web
This site provides access to current NOTAM information derived from the United States Consolidated NOTAM Office at the FAA Air Traffic Control Systems Command Center. It does not substitute for a briefing!
Safety Advisors Publications (AOPA/ASF)
This link goes to the AOPA Air Safety Foundation's Safety Advisors, which describe aviation specific topics in areas such as weather, operations, and proficiency.
Safety Alerts for Operators (SAFO) - FAA
A Safety Alert for Operators (SAFO) is an information tool that alerts, educates, and makes recommendations to the aviation community. The information and recommendations are often time critical.
Safety Management Systems (AC)
This link goes to FAA Advisory Circular 120-92, which introduces the safety management system (SMS) concept.
Special Use Airspace
This link goes to FAA's SUA information page.
TFRs - Graphical Interface (FAA)
This link goes to the FAA's new graphic site on Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFRs). It includes links to TFR maps and plain English text.
Weather Decision-Making Guide
General Aviation Pilot’s Guide to Preflight Weather Planning, Weather Self-Briefings, and Weather Decision Making