When a pilot has degrading visual cues, the following equipment can assist in
raising the margin of safety:
- Artificial horizon
Vertical speed indicator
Heading indicator
Advanced instrumentation
Radar altimeters
Global positioning system (GPS)
Pressure sensitive altimeter
VHF omnirange (VOR) system
Anything else that may be of assistance to you (i.e. colored glasses)

Flat light is common to snow skiers. One way to compensate for the lack of
visual contrast and depth-of-field loss is by wearing amber tinted lenses
(also known as blue blockers.) Special note of caution: Eyewear is not ideal
for every pilot. Take into consideration personal factors: age, light
sensitivity, and ambient lighting conditions.
So what should a pilot do when all visual references are lost?
Trust the cockpit instruments
Execute a 180-degree turnaround and start looking for outside references
Above all, fly the aircraft
Landing in Low Light Conditions
When landing in a low light condition, use extreme caution. Look for intermediate
reference points, in addition to checkpoints along each leg of the route for
course confirmation and timing. The lower the ambient light becomes, the more
reference points a pilot should use.
Airport Landings
Look for features around the airport or approach path that can be used in
determining depth perception. Buildings, towers, vehicles or other aircraft
serve well for this measurement. Use something that will provide you with a
sense of height above the ground, in addition to orienting you to the runway.
Be cautious of snowdrifts and snow banks - anything that can distinguish the edge
of the runway. Look for subtle changes in snow texture to identify ridges or
changes in snow depth.
Off-Airport Landings
In the event of an off-airport landing, pilots have used a number of different
objects to gain reference. Use whatever you must to create the contrast you need.
Natural references seem to work best (trees, rocks, snow ribs, etc.)
Use of markers
Weighted flags
Smoke bombs
Red shop bags
Dye markers
Trees or tree branches
It is difficult to determine the depth of snow and what areas are level. Dropping
items from the aircraft to use as reference points should be used as a visual aid only
and not as a primary landing reference. Unless your marker is biodegradable, be
sure to retrieve it after use.
Never put yourself in a position where no visual references exist.
Abort landing if blowing snow obscures your reference. Make your decisions early.
Don't assume you can pick up a lost reference point when you get closer.
Exercise extreme caution when flying from sunlight into shade.