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FAASTeam Notice
Type: Runway Safety Information
Notice Date: Monday, April 10, 2023
Notice Number: NOTC2933
Redding (RDD), CA Taxiway Construction
This notice expired on
Saturday, September 30, 2023

Redding Muni, Redding, CA (RDD) Effective 17 APR 2023 UFN: TXY 'M' (N of TXY 'C') and TXY 'D' (N of TXY 'D2') Closed to all aircraft. Aircraft Departing RWY 16, EXPECT to Back Taxi RWY 16 to RWY End. Aircraft Landing RWY 34, Unable to Exit RWY at TXY 'D2', EXPECT CCW 180 Degree Turn on RWY 34, Back Taxi RWY 34 and Exit at TXY 'D2".

Pilots advised to review NOTAMs prior to operating to/from the Redding, CA Airport and to monitor ATIS for updated information.

Scheduled Construction:

TXY 'M' N of TXY 'C' to TXY 'D' closed for approximately 60 days.

TXYs 'M' and 'D' will be closed the last 30 days of the TXY 'M' closure from above.

TXY 'D' N of TXY 'M' and 'D1' closed for 60 days AFTER reopening of TXY 'M'.     

Contact Information: Redding, CA Air Traffic Control Tower                                                                                                          530-221-4475