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FAASTeam Notice
Type: Runway Safety Information
Notice Date: Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Notice Number: NOTC2929
Air Traffic Operations at Reid Hillview Tower Controlled Airport
This notice expired on
Saturday, September 30, 2023

The close spacing of the parallel runways 31L and 31R/13L and 13R and proximity to Capitol Expressway on the East Side make this airport a unique training environment at Reid Hillview Airport.

Following the VGT mid-air collision on July 17, 2022, air traffic has introduced a tighter spacing tolerance at tower-controlled airports with closely spaced parallel runways.  This change takes effect on the publication date of this Notice at the Reid Hillview Airport in Santa Clara County.  Certificated Flight Instructors are being alerted to the need for tighter training parameters when turning on to final approach to all runways especially one mile or greater distance from the runway threshold.

The hold-short lines between the runways are close but tolerances in the air are closer due to limited reaction time. As the aircraft advances on the approach trajectory, reaction time to correct an error may not be available considering the time to process and readback the instructions.

To avoid potential overshoots on approach, a Flight Instructor must assume the flight controls from her/his flight student by one mile or greater from the runway threshold.

If you perform student pilot training at Reid Hillview Airport, here are some tips to consider when giving training:

  • Regardless of where you are on the approach, if you are misaligned with the assigned runway you will be instructed to go-around.
    • If inside one mile and you stray from the extended runway centerline air traffic must file a mandatory operating report or if inside half-a-mile it will be treated as a pilot deviation with the accompanying records forwarded to the FSDO
    • Make sure you repeat the landing runway ATC assigns to you and adhere to the instructions 
    • Give yourself some time to prepare your student and explain the reduced tolerances on the ground prior to the flight
    • Explain the RHV Arrival Alert Notices to your student for 31R and Taxiway Y and runway 13L and Taxiway Y2 and review the video on the Runway Safety Flight Deck
    • Manage distractions – Learn to manage distractions especially within one mile from touchdown. Keep a sterile cockpit on the approach segment and while maneuvering. Make sure the aircraft is stable before copying ATC instructions, reviewing the approach, changing and folding charts. Assign a second pilot to scan for traffic.
    • Maintain a listening watch on NorCal TRACON on the second frequency
    • Be Alert to Change - Check in with the Tower if you have a tendency to forget the newly assigned runway or as a matter of routine always land on runway 31R and the tower switches you to another runway
    • Phraseology to expect: CHANGE TO RUNWAY (number), RUNWAY (number) CLEARED TO LAND. NOTE−

The purpose of the “change to runway” phraseology and restating the runway number is to emphasize to the pilot that they are being cleared to land on a runway other than what they were expecting. FAAO 7110.65 3-10-5

  • During Visual Approach, expect runway assignment from the Tower controller not the overlying approach control.
  • Evaluate and Update your Personal Minimums
  • Make sure you have good VFR weather and visibility when conducting closed pattern operations
  • Maintain situational awareness – monitor, evaluate and anticipate what you are doing and where you will be in the approach sequence.


Jonathan Taveras 

RHV Air Traffic Manager 

2204 Waverly Ave 

San Jose, CA 95122

(408)272-5917 (work)