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FAASTeam Notice
Type: General Information
Notice Date: Thursday, December 1, 2022
Notice Number: NOTC2746
FAAST Blast — Airport Funding for Winter Ops, FAA Safety Briefing Live, Top Six Taxi Tips
This notice expired on
Sunday, January 1, 2023

FAAST Blast — Week of Nov 28, 2022 – Dec 04, 2022
Biweekly FAA Safety Briefing News Update

Airports Across U.S. Receive Funding to Tackle Winter Weather

As winter approaches, 85 airports in 28 states will be better prepared to keep airport operations running safely and smoothly. The FAA has awarded more than $76.2 million for snowplows, de-icing equipment, and new or upgraded buildings to store this equipment. The funding is from the FAA’s Airport Improvement Program (AIP). The AIP program pays for a variety of projects including construction of new and improved airport facilities, repairs to runways and taxiways, maintenance of airfield elements such as lighting or signage, and the purchase of equipment needed to operate and maintain airports. Learn more about AIP and airport grants here.

Among those airports receiving funding include: $607,500 for snow removal equipment at Ford Airport in Iron Mountain, Michigan; $277,777 to Williston Basin International Airport in Williston, North Dakota to construct a de-icing pad; and $936,625 for buildings to house/maintain snow removal equipment at Mammoth Yosemite Airport in Mammoth Lake, California.

See the press release here for more information. You can also view a data visualization of the airports receiving grants for winter weather preparedness.  

Watch FAA Safety Briefing Live!

Did you miss the latest FAA Safety Briefing Live broadcast? We’ve got you covered. Just go to to view an archived version of the broadcast. The latest edition introduces the November/December 2022 issue, which explores tips and best practices that help pilots find ways to avoid the “danger zones” where accidents can occur. Feature articles from this issue highlight system safety and risk management in the context of persistent accident factors during preflight; taxi; takeoff and departure; maneuvering flight; and approach and landing. You can also earn WINGS credit by completing a quiz after viewing the presentation. Just click the “Earn WINGS Credit” button in the presentation window.

Six Ways to Improve Your Ground Game

With an average of three runway incursions each day in the United States, along with the occasional change to taxi clearances and airport markings, it’s always a good idea to review airport surface operations and hold them in same regard as any other phase of flight. With that in mind, we’ve put together some tips that can help improve your ground game For more tips and best practices that help pilots avoid the “danger zones” where accidents can occur, check out the Nov/Dec 2022 FAA Safety Briefing here.


Produced by the FAA Safety Briefing editors,  
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