Online Resource - Resources for Pilots

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Below is a list of online resources available in the Pilot Deviation Information: Flight & Ground category. The FAA is not responsible for the contents of the non-government sites listed. The list is provided only as a convenience to the users of this site. Click here to return to the category list

Chino Airport Runway Safety Video
This video provides information for pilots flying into CNO, including runway incursion hotspots, wrong surface operations and flight training areas
John Wayne Airport Orange County (SNA)
This video details some surface safety risks encountered at SNA, including runway exiting, runway incursion hotspots and helicopter/fixed wing operations
Runway Incursion Remedial Training Program RIRTP
This lesson plan provides a standard baseline plan to provide remedial training to a pilot found to have caused a runway incursion
Van Nuys Airport (VNY) Runway Safety Video
This video details some surface safety risks encountered at VNY, including minimal space between parallel runways, line up and wait, wrong runway operations and helicopter/fixed wing operations