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FAASTeam Notice
Type: Safety Stream - Pilots
Notice Date: Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Notice Number: NOTC7720
May the 4th Be with You!
This notice expired on
Wednesday, May 30, 2018

May the 4th Be with You!

Take some time today and think about being a pilot that is one with the force, in a galaxy far, far away… No matter where or when you fly, some common attributes are prevalent in all the best pilots, and Luke Skywalker became one of the best. Here is why:

  • He recognizes at a young age that being a proficient pilot means being a good pilot. Excellent “Stick & Rudder” skills are essential to avoiding Loss of Control (LOC) accidents. He practices and is capable of flying without all the “gadgets” and technology – even significantly maiming the Death Star when others from both side encounter LOC.
  • He recognizes and learns to curb his youthful hazardous attitudes, Machismo (Macho), Impulsivity and Invulnerability. As he gains experience, he accurately calculates hazards and does not take unnecessary risks. In his later years showing that calm, cool and collected persona.
  • He had the passion for aviation– even at very young age and this was a significant part of always striving to be better and gain knowledge. A significant part of being a safe pilot is being a smart pilot. He learns to use the equivalent of the "PAVE" checklist model to determine hazards he faced (Pilot, Aircraft, Environment, External Pressures), becoming a better decision maker.
  • In the Empire Strikes Back, he learns the aspects of winter flying and the preparation required when flying on the planet of Hoth. (Did you notice the engine and cabin heaters?) He also learns that continued VFR flight into IMC condition is not fun when flying to Dagobah for the first time. That being a “true” instrument pilot means being very proficient instrument pilot, returning to Dagobah in the Return of the Jedi as a safe proficient instrument pilot.
  • He had some great Mentors, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda, who taught him the ways, guided him to use the force and knew that being a pilot (among other things) was as much as mental activity as it was a physical activity. They were the ones that “had been there-done that” and guided Luke to avoid many pitfalls that had befallen those before him. They even had the sense and expressed circumstances in which they thought it was not wise to go flying to him. They were great advisors and Mentors. Do you have Mentors like that?

So, if you do not go flying today, give some thought to how you could become a better pilot. Do you think you could improve in any of these areas?

Think about it.

And May the 4th Be with You!

Prepared by:

Stephen K. Brown, FPM -  FAASTeam Program (or Flight Proficiency) Manager, Boston FSDO – EA61,, 781-238-7536