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FAASTeam Notice
Type: General Information
Notice Date: Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Notice Number: NOTC7180
The ACS Needs your feedback
This notice expired on
Saturday, June 23, 2018

 Questions or concerns about the new Airman Certification Standards (ACS)?

As we all know, aviation just like the world around us is continuously changing.  Last June, the FAA and its industry partners rolled out the first ACS.  As with any new program, there are may be bugs or changes that will need to be fixed to improve the program or process.

For an up-to-date look at the ACS documents currently in effect, as well as the versions that will take effect in June for Private Pilot Airplane, Instrument-Airplane rating, and Commercial Pilot Airplane, go to:

The ACS Focus Team encourages and invites all users of the ACS to please let them know if you see any possible problems or issues with the ACS, or questions not covered already in the Airman Certification Standards FAQ link on the webpage above. You do not have to go through anyone or any organization to reach the ACS Focus Team – just send an email to:

The ACS Focus Team welcomes your feedback.

A Note on Airman Knowledge Test Codes:

•The FAA is already using the ACS codes to ensure that the standards for knowledge, risk management, and skill are aligned with guidance material and test questions.

•That means that all active knowledge test questions for the private pilot airplane, the commercial pilot airplane, and the instrument-airplane rating knowledge tests have been aligned with the corresponding ACS.

•The current knowledge test management system does not have the capability to print ACS codes. Until the FAA completes the acquisition of a new test management services contract, you will continue to see today’s Learning Statement, or PLT, Codes on the Airman Knowledge Test Report. The ACS PowerPoint presentation on the Airman Testing webpage (see above) provides information and tips for using today’s Learning Statement Codes with the ACS to retrain and retest missed knowledge items in the context of specific Areas of Operation and Tasks.

Your local FAA Safety Team is here to help, and so are your local Flight Standards District Offices.

This Notice posted in support of the ACS Focus Team.

Jay M. Flowers / FAASTeam Program Manager / Fargo FSDO / Fargo, ND

701-492-5809 /