Flying to Alaska during Summer 2007?
If so, please check this link for information on the Circle of Safety, DoubleCheck, the Alaskan weather camera system, overhead photos or graphical views of most Alaskan airports, and tips on flying safely to and in the largest state in the nation. There's even a link if you plan on flying to Russia!
Flying in Alaska can be the most beautiful flying you have ever done. It can also be the most challenging. Prepare yourself and your airplane. DoubleCheck yourself and your airplane!
Check here to see what your Alaskan airport layout is.
It's a fact that
67% of all accidents in Alaska occur on landing or takeoff, with most of those happening on landing!
Make sure your piloting skills are up to the task. Check with a local aviation professional for a good briefing about the area you want to fly to or in. Talk to an experienced Alaskan flight instructor. Get some dual instruction if you are not absolutely positive about your ability to get in and out of your destination. Many runways are short, wet, unimproved, and surrounded by obstacles. Wildlife abounds. Gusty crosswinds can be unpredictable.
Don't make your next flight your last. Make good aeronautical decisions and choose to say "Not today" if your skills aren't up to the conditions. The airport will be there tomorrow.
Make sure your airplane is ready for the flight. Have a mechanic look over your airplane. Be ready to enjoy the most spectacular flying you may ever do!
underestimate the weather in Alaska. See live weather before you go! Check the Alaskan weather camera system here or at
If you make good aeronautical decisions, operate within your piloting skills and your airplane limitations, and fly with a smile on your face, you will be rewarded with spectacular scenery you may ever see.
Come enjoy the hospitality and glory that is Alaska! Catch big fish! And above all -- Fly Safely!