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FAASTeam Notice
Type: General Information
Notice Date: Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Notice Number: NOTC6821
The Takeoff and Landing Performance Assessment (TALPA) Initiative
This notice expired on

On October 1, 2016 airports in the United States began using new reporting terminology to describe contaminated paved runways in both Field Condition Notices to Airmen (FICON NOTAMs) and on Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS) messages per the Takeoff and Landing Performance Assessment (TALPA) initiative.

Under TALPA, Mu (friction) values are no longer provided to pilots.  Instead, a three-digit Runway Condition Code (RwyCC) is assigned to paved runways whose surfaces are more than 25% covered by:  water, frost, snow, slush, and/or ice.   Similar to Mu values, a RwyCC is assigned to each third of a contaminated runway (i.e. touchdown, midpoint, and rollout). 

Note:  While participating airports are required to report contamination (including a runway condition of greater than 1/8” depth of water) the FAA only encourages airports to report a “wet” runway condition, defined as 1/8” depth or less of water.

If a RwyCC is used in conjunction with voluntarily-provided manufacturer-derived airplane-specific data, pilots will be able to more accurately determine the distance required to stop on a contaminated runway. If airplane-specific data is not available, pilots should consult their AFM and apply distance required adjustments, accordingly. 

Nevertheless, TALPA will provide all pilots more descriptive information to reflect runway conditions.  To interpret RwyCC’s, a Runway Condition Assessment Matrix (RCAM) has been developed.

The RCAM, along with other TALPA-applicable FAA publications, can be found at:

As noted on that website, questions about TALPA should be sent to: