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FAASTeam Notice
Type: General Information
Notice Date: Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Notice Number: NOTC6435
Runway Incursion Training Materials for CFIs
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Runway Incursions are still a major threat in our aviation system.  General Aviation pilots are the leaders in making these incursions. 

We encourage all CFIs to spend a little extra time reinforcing Runway Incursion mitigation strategies with their students/clients.  We have included a link (below) to the Runway Incursion Baseline Remedial Training Lesson Plan.  This document was created for trainers assigned to do remedial training with pilots after an incursion.  But, you can use it to provide pilots the training they need to avoid a Runway Incursion.  Let’s all be proactive and reduce Runway Incursions…

Kevin L Clover
National FAASTeam Office