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FAASTeam Notice
Type: General Information
Notice Date: Thursday, August 27, 2015
Notice Number: NOTC6159
FAAST Blast – Papal Visit, UAS Activity Report, Extreme Flying
This notice expired on
Sunday, September 27, 2015

FAAST Blast — Week of Aug 24 – Aug. 30, 2015
Biweekly FAA Safety Briefing News Update 
Flight Restrictions for Pope’s Visit to Philadelphia
            At the request of the Department of Homeland Security, the FAA will issue temporary flight restrictions (TFR) in support of Pope Francis’s visit to Philadelphia, Pa. September 26-27, 2015. Among the prohibited actions in the TFR include operating model and unmanned aircraft, banner towing, and flight training. These restrictions are designed to provide a safe and secure environment for the event but also ensure fair and equitable access to all airspace users to the greatest extent possible.
            Pilots are strongly advised to contact a Flight Service Station at 1-800-WX- BRIEF (1-800-992-7433) prior to flight to check for all current NOTAMS. A link to the flight advisory can be found here:
FAA Sees Aircraft-Drone Close Calls Increase
            In all of 2014, the FAA recorded a total of 238 reports of unmanned aircraft activity near aircraft. Through the beginning of August, 2015, that number stands at more than 650. This dramatic increase should be a concern for not only the FAA, but also pilots and drone operators. The FAA is working with manufacturers and UAS organizations on safety efforts like “Know Before You Fly” ( ) to educate unmanned aircraft users about where they can operate within the rules. The agency is also supporting the National Interagency Fire Center’s “If You Fly, We Can’t” efforts to help reduce interference with firefighting operations.
            To view the FAA’s recently released report on UAS encounters, go to Additional news and information about drone operations can be found at the FAA’s UAS webpage:
            The FAA also asks that pilots or any concerned citizens report unauthorized drone operation to local law enforcement. The FAA wants to send a clear message that operating drones around airplanes and helicopters is dangerous and illegal. Unauthorized operators may be subject to stiff fines and criminal charges, including possible jail time.

Extreme Flying
            Pilots: Have you ever flown in the extremes of the United States, like Alaska or Hawaii? If so, what challenges to your flying skills did you face? Alaska and Hawaii both present breathtaking vistas, but not without some potential dangers. For more on flying in these locales as well as how flying skills in these areas might help enhance safety in your own neck of the woods, check out James Williams’ “The Final Frontier” in the September/October issue of FAA Safety Briefing magazine at

Produced by the FAA Safety Briefing editors,
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