If you plan to fly to Alaska during the summer of 2006, please point your web browser here for information about flying in Alaska. You will find many links to valuable sites, both FAA and non-FAA. If you cannot link directly to it, go to www.alaska.faa.gov. There, you will find information about our DoubleCheck campaign; flying the Alaska Highway; an aviator's toolbox; a flight safety SELF checklist; and the Alaskan weather camera system; maybe you can see the weather at your destination before you leave. There is even a link on flying VFR to Russia!
Click here for the Juneau AFSS in Southeast Alaska. Click here for the Kenai AFSS on the Kenai Peninsula. Click here for the Fairbanks AFSS in Interior Alaska.
It's a fact that 67% of all aviation accidents in Alaska occur on take off or landing. Before you take off this summer, there are things you can do to increase your odds of a safer return. For starters, brush up your flying skills and have your aircraft inspected. Establish and abide by your own personal minimums! And be sure to check the weather, conduct a thorough pre-flight inspection, and file a flight plan before you fly.
Because of increased international aviation security, learn the requirements for flying into Canada; their aviation rules may be very different. And make sure you understand how to enter back into the United States from Canada.
When you arrive in Alaska, be sure to check with a local flight instructor or local flight school for up-to-date information on the areas. Check with the Flight Service Stations listed above for current weather along your route, at your destination, and for any local conditions or limitations that could affect your flight. It is said that knowledge is king. In Alaska, it is an absolute requirement! Help us reduce the accident rate while you enjoy your special time in the glory that is Alaska.