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FAASTeam Notice
Type: Airworthiness
Notice Date: Thursday, December 2, 2010
Notice Number: NOTC2710
Maintenance Safety Tip
This notice expired on
Monday, January 31, 2011

FAASTeam Maintenance Safety Tip
By Eastern Region FAASTeam 
December 2010

Material Safety Data (MSD) Sheets
Are you sure you know how to handle that substance in your hand? What if it spilled, splattered, or dripped on you or your co-worker? Would you know how to administer first aid? Did you take the proper precautions to prevent cancer, fire, or poisoning yourself?
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) come with all questionable substances and are provided to warn the user on how to handle the substance, provide proper ventilation, exposure cautions and how to administer first aid in case of an accident while in use. The long term negative effects from mishandling substances can easily be avoided by following these instructions. They come with phone numbers and contact information for clarification of instructions.
These instructions should be kept alphabetically near the storage area of the substance as well as in the area where the substance is most often used. It is suggested that the pages be put in plastic. The table of contents should be updated when a new substance is brought into the facility.
The MSDS sheets should be verified for accuracy and currency when a new batch is brought in. If two MSDS books are used they should be evaluated at the same time. It is suggested that the MSDS books be evaluated, initialed and dated at least once a month. The information in these books could extend your life or save the life of your co-worker. Please be familiar with them.