FAAST Blast — Week of September 4 – 10, 2023
Biweekly FAA Safety Briefing News Update
FAA Invests $121M to Reduce Chance of Close Calls at Airports
The FAA has awarded more than $121 million to airports across the country to reduce the risk of runway incursions. Projects will reconfigure taxiways that may cause confusion, install new lighting systems, and provide more flexibility on the airfield. Projects announced include:
- Willow Run Airport, Detroit, Michigan: $12.8 M to construct parallel taxiway.
- Eugene F. Kranz Toledo Express Airport, Ohio: $4.6M to shift taxiway location.
- Richmond International Airport, Virginia: $5.6 M to shift taxiway location.
- Jackson Hole Airport, Wyoming: $2.6M to construct taxiway.
- Naples Municipal Airport, Florida: $3.5M to reconfigure taxiway intersection.
To learn more, visit www.faa.gov/newsroom/faa-invests-another-121m-reduce-chance-close-calls-airports and also review the FAA runway safety technology fact sheet.
New From the Flight Deck Video Focuses on Phraseology
Aviation has a unique language designed to ensure effective communication between pilots and controllers. Understanding and using these words and phrases properly is vital for avoiding errors and maintaining safety. For example, “roger” is not a clearance and is not an appropriate response to a yes or no question; it only means that the transmission was received.
Check out the recent From the Flight Deck video on phraseology at youtube.com/watch?v=1D8-_p4f34I to learn more about what a pilot may hear from a controller and what it really means.
Mistakes Happen
We all know that making mistakes is inevitable; they’re going to happen. But not using repeatable processes to prevent these errors and taking action to learn from them could be your biggest, and most severe mistake. Read about the best ways to prevent mistakes from happening and how the FAA handles deviations from the regulations in “Mistakes Happen: How the FAA’s Compliance Program Promotes Accountability for All Pilots” at https://medium.com/faa/mistakes-happen-bb4034d682ad in the Sep/Oct 2023 issue of FAA Safety Briefing. See the entire Aspiring Aviators-themed issue at www.faa.gov/safety_briefing.
Produced by the FAA Safety Briefing editors: www.faa.gov/ safety_briefing
Address questions or comments to: SafetyBriefing@faa.gov
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