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FAASTeam Notice
Type: Helicopter Operations
Notice Date: Wednesday, August 23, 2023
Notice Number: NOTC3154
USHST Monthly Safety Report for August 2023
This notice expired on
Saturday, March 23, 2024

US Helicopter Safety Team (USHST)

Monthly Safety Report

August 2023


Fatal Accident Rate:  0.72 (+.17) above goal of 0.55 fatal accidents per 100K hrs by 2025

USHST VisionA Civil Helicopter Community with Zero Fatal Accidents


“Safety by the Numbers” (Monthly Metrics):

Days since last Fatal helicopter accident:  14 Days : 04 Hours : 23 Minutes : 56 Seconds

Fatal Accident Rate (5yr avg)(CY2019-23) 0.72 Fatal Accidents per 100K Flight Hours

Fatal Accident Rate (CY2023) 9 Fatal Accidents per 100K Flight Hours


Average number of days

between fatal accidents:

Longest time between

fatal accidents (past 5 yrs):                

2019: 16 days

107 days (2020)

2020: 18 days


2021: 17 days


2022: 21 days


2023: 22 days




Loss of Control - Inflight (LOC-I), Unintended Flight into IMC (UIMC), Low Altitude Operations (LALT). 

USHST continues to work on the implementation of Helicopter - Safety Enhancements (H-SEs) developed through data-driven analysis of 104 fatal accidents.  The H-SEs use Outreach, Policy, Technology/Equipment, and Training to reduce fatal accidents in these categories.


       US Helicopter Safety Team New Helicopter Safety Enhancements (H-SEs)   


23-01: Promote conservative go/no-go decision making (includes performance planning)

     -HAI’s Safety Working Group released some early “primer” material on the topic that they’ve socialized through Rotor Daily, and they are working on a formalized work plan for where they’d like to go with it over the next year.

23-04: Improve fatigue awareness and risk mitigation of scheduling factors leading to fatigue.

     -Pulsar Informatics, Inc is leading this effort with support from AMOA and Delta P. They’ve developed an initial work plan.


US Helicopter Safety Team Press Release (May ‘23): USHST hosts webinar June 1

How pilots can better protect themselves and their passengers from bird strikes and what to do if they occur.


 Helicopter Safety OUTREACH events:

· Register for September 2023 Webinars   USHST will be hosting webinars September 11-13, 2023 with the option to attend in-person and virtually. Please fill out the form to attend and receive the latest information.                   Previous All Hands - June 1, 2023



USHST Facebook (2615 Members)                          USHST LinkedIn               USHST Twitter

For any questions regarding the information within this notice please contact Clarke Pleasants, Program Chair-Rotor, ERAU, at 928-7774730 or email at