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These are the categories of available courses in the Learning Center. Please click on a link to view the titles in that category or click
to see a list of all courses.
(335 courses available)
Documents on operating your equipment safely and efficently.
Airmen - AMTs
(342 courses available)
Documents and training materials for Aviation Maintenance Technicians
Airmen - Pilots
(556 courses available)
Documents of special interest to pilots.
(87 courses available)
Documents and training materials that relate to the operation of aircraft and vehicles in and around the airport.
(99 courses available)
Documents and training materials related to the U.S. airspace system.
(246 courses available)
Documents on airworthiness
Alaskan Operations
(25 courses available)
Safety outreach and guidance for flying in Alaska
(2 courses available)
Air Traffic Control related subjects.
Charles Taylor Master Mechanic Award Information Guide
(16 courses available)
Current guidance and application for the Charles Taylor Master Mechanic award.
Civil Aeronautics Manual CAM
(2 courses available)
Airworthiness Standards for older aircraft
FAASTeam Representatives and Content Providers
(19 courses available)
Information and training to help FAASTeam Representatives and content providers accomplish their work and assignments efficient and affectively.
Flight Instructor Resources
(134 courses available)
Information and Best Instructional Practices for CFIs
Flight Physiology
(68 courses available)
FAA Aeromedical Training Programs for Civil Aviation Pilots
Flight Risk Assessment Tool (FAAST FRAT)
(6 courses available)
Risk Management Calculator
Flying Lessons - A Weekly Safety Discussion
(22 courses available)
FLYING LESSONS uses the past week’s mishap reports as the jumping-off point to consider what might have contributed to accidents, so you can make better decisions if you face similar circumstances.
General Aviation Maintenance Alerts
(34 courses available)
The Aviation Maintenance Alerts provides the aviation community with an economical means to exchange service experiences and to assist the FAA in improving aeronautical product durability, reliability, and safety.
(13 courses available)
Courses with content useful to glider pilots and/or glider maintenance personnel.
Guidance, Standards, & Regulations
(415 courses available)
Documents with information on official guidance, standards, and regulations
(16 courses available)
Documents related to rotorcraft operations and maintenance.
Human Factors
(403 courses available)
Documents related to human factors (non technical) aspects of flying
IA Refresher Training Credit - Cost
(119 courses available)
Training Courses accepted for IA Refresher Training credit that have a cost.
IA Refresher Training Credit - Free
(47 courses available)
Training Courses accepted for IA Refresher Training credit.
IA Syllabus Materials
(51 courses available)
IA Training Provider Syllabi
Large Event Schedules
(2 courses available)
FAASTeam Large Event Schedules
Local Safety Information
(4 courses available)
This is a place for FPMs to place safety documents for local issues.
Maintenance Newsletters
(15 courses available)
FSDO Maintenance Newsletters
Maintenance Safety Tips
(61 courses available)
Monthly Maintenance Safety Tips created by the FAA SAfety Team
Reference Materials
(135 courses available)
Safety-related reference materials
Runway Safety
(51 courses available)
Runway Safety Training Material
Safety Pamphlets
(3 courses available)
Aviation Safety Program "P-Pamphlets" on a range of topics
Safety Stream
(6 courses available)
Repository of Safety Stream Documents
Safety Tools
(87 courses available)
Safety-related resources, including kneeboard-sized pamphlets on various topics
(1 course available)
Safety Management System
Training and Testing Scenarios
(206 courses available)
Training and Testing Scenarios for Students and Instructors
Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS)
(28 courses available)
Document library for UAS Systems
Videos and Interactive Content
(261 courses available)
Multimedia content releated to aviation safety.
(94 courses available)
Documents and training materials related to aviation weather
What's New on FAASafety.gov!
(2 courses available)
See What's New on the FAASafety.gov website!
(62 courses available)
FAASTeam Documents related to the WINGS Program.
WINGS Flight Activity Lesson Plans
(2 courses available)
WINGS Flight Activity Lesson Plans
WINGS Topic of the Quarter
(1 course available)
WTOQ Brochures designed to assist users in completing a phase of WINGS. Each Brochure outlines a series of knowledge and flight activities aimed at earning a phase of WINGS.