Account Deactivation

Sorry, we can't locate that account. Please send an email to with the words 'opt out' in the subject and we will manually suspend your account. Please remember to include your name and email address in the message.
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If you are considering deactivating your account from because you are receiving too much or unwanted email, consider changing your preferences on the 'General & Email Settings' tab above to control which email messages you will receive.

If you would like to deactivate your account from, click the button below and your account will be deactivated. If you deactivate your account, you will not be able to log in or receive any notices or online services from You will still be able to visit and do Seminar Searches for seminars that you may want to attend like any other unregistered user.

If you are currently registered with SPANS for any seminars, your seminar registration will not be automatically removed. You may still attend these seminars. If you wish to unregister for any seminars, you must log in to your account on and unregister before proceeding.