CAPA Hangar Talk - Piston Engine Management
Craig Airport Pilots Association Presents Piston Engine Management - Those 3 Knobs
David Cristol, et al
Brief Description:
The Craig Airport Pilots Association presents David Cristol, and his organized Hangar Talk with monthly topics that focus on education and fun exploring new endeavors.
Piston Engine Management - Those 3 Knobs
We will discuss piston engine management.
What do those knobs do?
What is normal combustion?
What is abnormal - pre-ignition and detonation?
Should I be Rich of Peak or Lean of Peak?
What is the Red Box?
Procedures to run consistently and smoothly
Select Number:
Location of Seminar:
JAA Administration Building conference room
10968 Craig Blvd
Jacksonville, FL 32225
Directions to Venue:
From St. John's Bluff Road, enter the Craig Airport main entrance, proceed all the way to the end, where the control tower is located.
Fly-in Seminar?:
seats at the facility,
remaining for online registration.
Registration Information:
Seminar has passed.
Sponsoring Division:
Orlando FSDO FAA Safety Team
Additional Event Information & Acknowledgement of Industry Sponsor(s):
Thanks to the JAA for the use of the conference room
Equal Access Information:
The FAA Safety Team (FAASTeam) is committed to providing equal access to this meeting/event for all participants. If you need alternative formats or services because of a disability, please communicate your request as soon as possible with the person in the “Contact Information” area of the meeting/event notice. Note that two weeks is usually required to arrange services.
Credit Applicability:
1 Credit for Basic Knowledge Topic 3
FAASTeam Project Information:
National Project:
Any Safety Event held based upon data/risk
Additional Event Documents: