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ALC-270: Representative Training: Representative Manual
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Chapter 3 - Representative Training

New FAASTeam Representatives can expect to participate in orientation (initial), recurrent, and specialized training programs. Special training may be needed to provide information on new equipment or targeted safety-related programs to reduce accidents. Lead Representatives may be asked to assist with ongoing training programs.

 FAASTeam Representatives must complete initial training prior to conducting any FAASTeam activities. FAASTeam Representatives should request assistance, supplies, educational pamphlets, equipment, and safety program materials from their FAASTeam Lead Representative or the FAASTeam Program Manager (FPM).

FAASTeam Program Managers (FPM) will conduct semi-annual meetings with the Representatives within their area of responsibility via “Teleconferencing” or “In Person” for the purpose of interaction, communication and FAASTeam training. Verify that the on-line Representative Training IT Security has been accomplished (once a year). There is a requirement for computer based training and a separate requirement for live Rep meetings. The objective of conducting semi-annual meetings with FAASTeam Representatives is to promote interaction, communication and to exchange ideas

FAASTeam Representatives will conduct their activities in a professional manner such that it will reflect favorably upon themselves, the Federal Aviation Administration, and the aviation industry as a whole. Representatives should make their services available to any person having an apparent need for assistance or guidance in matters of aviation safety.

The FAA Safety Team (FAASTeam) is strongly supported by the Federal Aviation Administration’s Office of the Administrator and all other levels of FAA management. The program is administered within the Flight Standards Service through the General Aviation and Commercial Division (AFS-800) and the Aircraft Maintenance Division (AFS-300). The program has three organizational levels; National, Regional, and Local. At the national level, the program is managed by Branch Managers in AFS-800 for Operations issues and AFS-300 for Airworthiness issues. These Branches provide guidance on FAA policy, facilitates the development and distribution of program materials to the field, and sets certain national standards. They also manage the content and operation of the web site. 
A Regional Point of Contact (POC) is located within each of the eight FAA Flight Standards Regions. The POC serves as the liaison between the local FAASTeam Program Managers at the field offices and the headquarters office. They provide support to their Region's FAASTeam Program Managers and bring local concerns to the attention of FAASTeam managers at headquarters.
FAASTeam Program Managers are located throughout each of the eight FAA Flight Standards Regions. They are located at FAA facilities, typically Flight Standards District Offices (FSDOs) within their assigned geographic area. They are responsible for serving the aviation safety needs of their local aviation communities.
Each FAASTeam Program Manager compiles current local aviation data that is analyzed to produce risk-based safety interventions that are included in the FSDO business plan.
The data includes:

  • Accident/incident reports involving airmen from the area.
  • Hazards identified by inspectors at local Flight Standards District Offices.
  • Information from the local aviation community

Next, the FAASTeam Program Managers develop tasks to accomplish the safety interventions, with the help of their FAASTeam members. Completing these tasks will mitigate future accidents.

FAASTeam Representatives are responsible for assisting the FAASTeam Program Manager (FPM) in promoting and fostering aviation safety. Representatives serve as volunteers who work directly with, or under, the guidance of the local FPM in carrying out the various program activities. Representatives also serve as safety advisors for the aviation community. They provide advice to individuals concerning safety issues, direct individuals to appropriate FAA personnel for additional help, and if qualified to do so, may counsel pilots or aviation maintenance technicians in need of assistance with specific aviation safety concerns.

The FAA recognizes the valuable contributions FAASTeam Representatives make to the FAASTeam and their vital role in promoting and fostering aviation safety. It is important for FAASTeam Representatives to appreciate that there are legal restrictions that must be adhered to while acting as a volunteer for the FAASTeam. Remember to consult with your FPM if you have any questions regarding these restrictions. The following restrictions apply to both FAASTeam Representatives and Lead Representatives:

  • FPMs may authorize transportation of FAASTeam Representatives in government vehicles for FAASTeam related business, but only authorized federal employees can operate owned, rented, or leased U.S. Government vehicles.
  • Representatives cannot fiscally obligate the U.S. Government for any purpose.
  • Representatives may make requests of their FPM when the use of U.S. Government franked mailers, mailing lists, and Government printing in support of FAASTeam related activities may prove beneficial. The FPM has sole authority to provide such services in accordance with applicable guidance.
  • Representatives are not authorized to act as official representatives of the FAA under any circumstances. Any matters requiring legal interpretation of the Federal Aviation Regulations, clarification of FAA policies, possible enforcement actions, or any other questionable circumstances should be directly referred to the FPM.
  • In rare instances, the FAASTeam may be able to reimburse the FAASTeam Representatives for expenses related to activities they perform for the FAASTeam. Approval must be obtained in advance from the FPM’s manager. However, the FAASTeam cannot pay FAASTeam Representatives for their services.

FAASTeam Representative’s general activities include counseling individuals, identifying safety hazards, planning and conducting safety meetings and FAASTeam events, supporting FAASTeam aviation award programs, and helping to publicize aviation safety events. These activities are outlined below and are described in more detail in the following chapters.

FAASTeam Representatives have the opportunity to be a positive influence in the aviation community. Interaction may be formal or informal and may involve individuals or groups with aviation related concerns. Representatives may be asked to provide a positive example or constructive advice to an individual who, through lack of understanding, has deviated from the Federal Aviation Regulations, has required in-flight assistance, or has operated in an unsafe manner. In some cases, retraining may be required.

Counseling a pilot may include giving a courtesy flight evaluation using the standardized procedures described in the Airplane Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-3) and/or the Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge (FAA-H-8083-25). These courtesy evaluations may only be given by Representatives who hold current and valid flight instructor certificates with appropriate ratings. It is recommended that FAASTeam Representatives fly only with pilots who can act as pilot in command (PIC) during these flights.

The Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) may call on Representatives to conduct Remedial Training events, such as ground and/or flight training for pilots and training for aviation maintenance technicians and repairmen. Only Representatives with a current and valid ground and/or flight instructor certificate or a mechanic certificate with airframe and powerplant ratings, and an Inspection Authorization if appropriate, may be used to complete the training required by a Remedial Training Contract.

Safety hazards exist in many forms, often through neglect, ignorance, or indifference. They range from the obvious, such as power lines or damaged windsocks, to the more insidious such as incorrectly charted aeronautical information. Representatives are encouraged to be alert for anything, which, if changed, might make aviation safer.

Use the FAA Aviation Safety Hotline (1-800-255-1111) and the Malfunction and Defect Report (FAA Form 8010-4) to report these identified problems. This will help to ensure that solutions are found to correct reported problems. Representatives should make airmen aware of the reporting methods and how to properly use them.

Safety programs, seminars, meetings, and events should be carefully planned and properly presented. Representatives are encouraged to schedule, organize, and conduct meetings, events, clinics, workshops, or panel discussions. Keep your FPM and the Lead Representative for your geographic area informed of your activities and he/she will be happy to help you plan a successful program. The FAASTeam will be able to give you good advice and may be able to provide audiovisual and other materials to use in conducting your program. Other members of the aviation community are often enthusiastic about supporting your efforts. State government aviation departments and aviation industry organizations are also excellent sources of material and expertise.

Nothing is more effective, as a positive motivation, than awarding effort or accomplishment.
Each year outstanding certificated aviation professionals, pilots, maintenance technicians, etc., are chosen for local, regional, and national awards. As a Representative, you will be in an excellent position to recognize exemplary performance. Submit your recommendations and nominations for recipients of such awards to the FPM in your area.
The following is a list of awards that are supported by the FAASTeam.

  • WINGS - Pilot Proficiency Program (AC 61-91) (FAR 61.56(e))
  • Aviation Maintenance Technician Awards Program (AC 65-25)
  • Charles Taylor Master Mechanic Award (AC 65-26)
  • Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award (FAA/FS-I-8700-2)
  • Annual General Aviation Awards Program
    • Aviation Maintenance Technician of the Year
    • Avionics Technician of the Year
    • Certificated Flight Instructor of the Year
    • FAASTeam Representative of the Year

More information on these award programs can be found on

The Safety Program Airmen Notification System (SPANS) at is the primary source of publicity for FAASTeam activities, but there are other resources you may use. Most print and broadcast media have staff aviation writers. Most aviation-oriented organizations publish regularly and will be happy to include your well-written message. Get to know these people; provide them with meeting announcements, and the details and photographs of individuals receiving recognition. Invite interested writers to attend your events. You may be asked to assist in writing aviation articles or to participate in a broadcast program.

For public safety events that you sponsor, your FPM or FAASTeam Lead Representative will provide announcement e-mails or flyers. To ensure the timely distribution of announcements, begin your flyer design sufficiently early to meet time requirements set by the FPM. Late announcements generally result in low attendance and missed opportunities to impart aviation safety topics to an otherwise interested audience.