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"Energy Management - A Different Approach to Flying"
Saturday, January 30, 2016 12:00 Pacific Standard Time

Located at:
San Carlos Flight Center
655 Skyway Road
Suite 215
San Carlos, CA 94070


Physicists approach flying the way they do other studies of mechanical motion, with an understanding of mass, speed, force, work, and energy. Values and relationships accumulated over the years describe the interaction of bodies in motion, in a way that allows scientists and engineers to make predictions about their behavior.

Pilots inside cockpits moving through space are more often concerned with the task of flying, what action of the controls causes the aircraft to climb, descend, turn, or remain straight and level. Our perspective is often focused on our little picture, on the stuff we touch inside the cabin. But much can be gained from taking the big picture look at flying, and especially approach to landing, from the perspective of an energy scientist. This is the Energy Management approach to landing.

In this presentation, SCFC CFI’s bring us a big picture overview of how energy is created, consumed, used, and transferred in aviation. How can an understanding of chemical, kinetic, and potential energy inform our skills as pilots? Which flight control most easily transfers energy back and forth between potential and kinetic? Where does the energy go?

A good pilot is always learning. Join us if you want to improve your landings by coming at it from an entirely different angle.

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