Hot Weather Flying
Hot Weather Flight Risks and Mitigation.
Emmet Bartholomew, Cedric Grimes, Matt Rota
Brief Description:
The safety seminar will begin promptly at 09:00. Please be sure to arrive by 08:45 to sign in and find a comfortable seat.
Hot Weather Flying - A significant change occurs when transitioning between operating aircraft in cooler weather months to hot summer months. These changes negatively impact the performance of aircraft as well as human physiology. Weather patterns also change drastically, creating an entirely different set of challenges as opposed to cooler months of the year. Emmet Bartholomew, FAASTeam Representative with give a presentation that will explore these many changes and address risks and means to mitigate such risk.
An Overview of the WINGS Pilot Proficiency Program will be presented by FAASTeam Representative, Cedric Grimes. Cedric holds the designation of WINGS Pro
Your participation is encouraged.
Additional Presenter: Matt Rota, Senior Policy Director, Gulf Restoration Network / Healthy Gulf
Matt will provide a presentation on the environmental health of Louisiana’s coastal areas and will discuss the many efforts underway that the Gulf Restoration Network provides to Louisiana in uniting and empowering people to protect and restore the natural resources of the Gulf Region
SouthWings (southwings.org) is a partner in this event and will provide refreshments and a light lunch for attendees.
Location of Seminar:
New Orleans Lakefront Airport
6001 Stars and Stripes Boulevard
Terminal Building, 2nd Floor Conference Room
New Orleans, LA 70126
Directions to Venue:
If driving, the airport may be accessed from Interstate-10 by either the Morrison Blvd exit or the Downman Rd exit. From the Morrison Blvd exit, drive approximately 1 mile to the intersection of Downman Rd and turn right. From the Downman Rd exit, remain straight. At the very end of Downman Rd, pass beneath the train bridge and turn to the right. The first left turn will be the airport terminal building's U-shaped parking lot and the main front entrance. Parking is free.
If flying, there are two FBO's on the field. Both offer full service to aircraft and access to the terminal building. Please contact your FBO of choice for information on any fees associated with using their services.
The meeting will be held in the main 2nd floor conference room, West side wing of building that is to the left when entering through the main front entrance way. There are two sets of stairs on either side of the main lobby and an elevator on the East side of the lobby that is to the right when entering through the main front entrance.
View Map
Fly-in Seminar?:
seats at the facility,
remaining for online registration.
Registration Information:
Seminar has passed.
Additional Event Information & Acknowledgement of Industry Sponsor(s):
Please thank New Orleans Lakefront Airport for providing the facility to hold this event.
Please thank our volunteer FAASTeam Representatives, Emmet Bartholomew and Cedric Grimes for making this event possible.
Please thank SouthWings (southwings.org), a partner in this event who will provide refreshments and a light lunch for attendees.
Equal Access Information:
The FAA Safety Team (FAASTeam) is committed to providing equal access to this meeting/event for all participants. If you need alternative formats or services because of a disability, please communicate your request as soon as possible with the person in the “Contact Information” area of the meeting/event notice. Note that two weeks is usually required to arrange services.
Credit Applicability:
½ Credit for Basic Knowledge Topic 3
1 Credit for Advanced Knowledge Topic 2
FAASTeam Project Information:
Additional Event Documents: