Edge Of the Envelope
Rudder Skills For Crosswind and Emergency Landings
Bob Reed, CFI, FAASTeam Representative
Brief Description:
Many General Aviation Pilots do not learn to fly their aircraft at the "edge of the envelope". It is at the "edge" that we best know our capabilities and those of the airplane. Join Bob Reed, founder of Aviation Safety Videos for a discussion on practice maneuvers you can use to fly your airplane to the edge of its envelope. See in-flight video of exercises Mr. Reed uses to become proficient in crosswind & emergency landings. WRAP sponsored - cookout at 6:00pm - Seminar at 7:00pm.
Location of Seminar:
Williamsport Regional Airport
400 Airport Road
Montoursville, PA 17754
Directions to Venue:
See Map Link to the WRAP Clubhouse, between Penn College and Textron/Lycoming Hangar.
View Map
seats at the facility,
remaining for online registration.
Registration Information:
Seminar has passed.
Sponsoring Division:
FAASTeam & Harrisburg FSDO
Additional Event Information & Acknowledgement of Industry Sponsor(s):
"Know your capabilities and those of the airplane - don't exceed either one" Bob Hoover 2011
Thanks to WRAP for sponsoring this event.
Equal Access Information:
The FAA Safety Team (FAASTeam) is committed to providing equal access to this meeting/event for all participants. If you need alternative formats or services because of a disability, please communicate your request as soon as possible with the person in the “Contact Information” area of the meeting/event notice. Note that two weeks is usually required to arrange services.
Credit Applicability:
1 Credit for Basic Knowledge Topic 3
FAASTeam Project Information:
National Project:
Approach and Landings
Additional Event Documents:
This event does not have any additional documents to view.