Additional Event Information & Acknowledgement of Industry Sponsor(s):
Please join us for a remembrance of 911.
Lt. Col. Matthew Swanson was a member of the Air Force Crisis Action Team, a disaster response group, during the 911 terrorist attacks on the Pentagon.
Swanson was in the basement of the Pentagon when the attacks occurred and immediately carried out the rescue plan he had helped to create. After the Pentagon was evacuated, Swanson and his fellow team members remained behind to continue the Air Force rescue and response. When thick smoke eventually entered their location, he helped evacuate Air Force leaders and other team members to a safer location.
Swanson received the Air Force Commendation Medal for his selfless acts. He was among 28 Air Force men and women recognized as heroes in an April 2002 ceremony in the Pentagon courtyard.
"These are people who ran around the corner of the building and straight into the fire to help those in need," Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. John P. Jumper said during the awards ceremony. "They did so because it was the right thing to do, and they did so at the risk of personal injury and death."
Swanson received his bachelor's degree in marketing from Iowa State University in 1983. He was a distinguished graduate from the ISU Air Force ROTC and was commissioned in the Air Force following graduation.
Currently, Colonel Matt Swanson is mobilization assistant to the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Financial Management and Comptroller, Pentagon, Washington, D.C. In this capacity, he provides a link between the active and reserve components for financial management services and the use of reserve forces. He also leads the Air Force Reserve Financial Management officer force development program.
Midwest LSA EXPO Event Details
The Midwest LSA (Light Sport Aircraft) EXPO at Mt. Vernon Airport will be held from September 9-11, 2010. This event features exhibits and demonstrations by a variety of manufacturers and vendors of light sport aircraft and accessories. If you are potentially interested in purchasing an LSA, this EXPO provides an excellent opportunity to meet with aircraft vendors and take a demonstration flight in a number of different aircraft.
A number of educational seminars will be offered on each of the three days on topics for light sport, ultralight and private pilots on topics including maintenance, regulations, flight technique, airport operations, engines and more. Dan Johnson, President of the Light Aircraft and Manufacturer's Assn (LAMA) will discuss the state of the art of the industry, including new product introductions, proposed rule changes and industry trends. Other speakers include Colonel Matt Swanson, USAF, who was on site and a member of the Air Force Crisis Action Team during the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon and Captain Denis Murphy, who is sponsored by Aviators Hot Line, speaking on his experiences surviving a ditching, and the factors that contribute to survival in this type of emergency situation. Learn more about the latest LSA avionics from Kurt Kleinholz of Dynon Avionics or Tim Casey of Garmin. Brett Lawton from Leading Edge Airfoils will be discussing the care and feeding of the Rotax 912 series engines. Greg Gremminger of MagniGyrowill present on transitioning to and flying gyroplanes.
A complete listing of seminars, activities, vendors and accommodations is available on the event website
Friday Seminar Schedule:
11:00 AM Captain Denis Murphy, "Ditching - How to Survive It"
Lewis Owens, FAASTeam, "Transitioning to Light Sport Aircraft"
1:00 PM Kirk Kleinholz, Dynon Avioncs, "Transitioning to Glass Panel Technology"
George Ballard, FAASTeam, "Accident Trends in Light Sport Aircraft"
2:00 PM Tim Casey, Garmin, "Garmin G3X EFIS - System Configuration & Operation"
Dale Rust, "Building Your Own Restricted Landing Area"
Saturday Seminar Schedule:
11:00 AM Dan Johnson, LAMA, "Light Sport Aviation Update"
Larry Bothe, DPE, "Prepare for Your Checkride and Pass"
1:00 PM Brett Lawton, Leading Edge Airfoils " Rotax 912 Series"
Greg Gremminger, MagniGyro, "Gyroplanes"
2:00 PM Kirk Kleinholz, Dynon Avionics, "Transitioning to Glass Panel Technology"
Sunday Seminar Schedule:
11:00 AM Lewis Owens, FAASTeam, "Transitioning to Light Sport Aircraft"
Greg Gremminger, MagniGyro, "Gyroplanes"
1:00 PM Colonel Matt Swanson, USAF, "Remembering 9-11 Pentagon"
2:00 PM George Ballard, FAASTeam, "Accident Trends in Light Sport Aircraft"
Most of the seminars qualify for credit under the WINGS program. For more details on the individual presentations and WINGS credit for each seminar, go to the home page, the center box on the page "Upcoming Seminars", lower right corner of the box "search seminars" enter "KMVN" in the airport. A list of all of the seminars for this program will come up. You may select an individual seminar, and also preregister for it if you choose.
There are no fees for the seminars or for parking.There is a fee for the the vendor exhibits and flight line areas of the event. Please see the event information on the website for details.