Event Details and Registration

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KSFB IMC Club Presents Equipment Failure and Partial Panel
IMC Conditions with Equipment and/or Instrument Failures - What do you do?
Date and Time:
Monday, August 19, 2024, starting at 19:00 Eastern Daylight Time Download Calendar File
Brent Moran
Brief Description:

Join us as we discuss some scenarios, talk about strategies, review accidents, and talk about how we can prepare for these events. We will also talk about applicable FARs and how you can train to survive. 

Select Number:
Location of Seminar:
Vigilante Room, Sanford Airport (KSFB)
1200 Red Cleveland Blvd., Sanford, FL

Sanford, FL 32773
Directions to Venue:

The Vigilante Room at Sanford Airport; it's in the Rental Car Building near the Commercial Airline Terminal. If you fly in to KSFB for this WINGS event, you can park at Million Air FBO and get a courtesy ride over to the seminar's location in the Vigilante Room.  If you drive, you can park in short term parking and parking validation is available at the conclusion of the meeting.

Fly-in Seminar?:
35 seats at the facility, 14 remaining for online registration.
Registration Information:
Seminar has passed.
Sponsoring Division:
Orlando FSDO FAA Safety Team
Contact Information:
Brent P. Moran
Phone: 8134660021
Additional Event Information & Acknowledgement of Industry Sponsor(s):

This 1-hour event is sponsored and hosted by the Local EAA IMC Club Chapter and the FAA Safety Team.

What is the EAA/IMC Club? 

EAA/IMC Club is the brainchild of RadekWyrzykowski, Instrument and Multi-Engine Instructor.  As a flight instructor in Norwood, Massachusetts, Radek developed a volunteer mentor program to help instrument pilots improve their proficiency, and they loved it.

What is the purpose of EAA/IMC Club?

At EAA IMC Club, our aim is to promote instrument flying, proficiency, and safety.  Along with IFR flying and monthly local meetings, we offer a resource-rich website which provides an electronic experience base.

Our intent is to create a community of pilots to share information, provide recognition, foster communications, promote safety and build proficiency in instrument flying.  EAA/IMC Club offer monthly meetings in which pilots can network and share knowledge and experiences.

Do you need to bring anything?

First, bring your thoughts or a story and be willing to share them with the group.  This meeting is very interactive.  Participation by the group is a fundamental element to the EAA/IMC Club meeting.

Others have found it helpful to bring along a copy of their flight manual, GPS manual, and charts.  If you navigate with an iPad, bring it along.

Who can attend?

You don't need an instrument rating to attend.  This meeting is open to all current, non-current, and future instrument pilots.

For more information about the EAA/IMC Club, please visit http://www.eaa.org/imcclub

Equal Access Information:
The FAA Safety Team (FAASTeam) is committed to providing equal access to this meeting/event for all participants. If you need alternative formats or services because of a disability, please communicate your request as soon as possible with the person in the “Contact Information” area of the meeting/event notice. Note that two weeks is usually required to arrange services.
Credit Applicability:
1 Credit for Basic Knowledge Topic 3
FAASTeam Project Information:
NPP13, et al
National Project:
Any other task not covered in the NPP that is not A/W or Ops
Additional Event Documents: