Getting Together Uneventfully
Avoiding the cross-country flying accident.
Date and Time:
Tuesday, June 28, 2022, starting at 19:00 Eastern Daylight Time (16:00 PDT; 17:00 MDT; 18:00 CDT; 13:00 HST; 15:00 AKDT; 16:00 Arizona; 23:00 GMT)
Brief Description:
Many of us will be venturing out during the good weather months to attend gatherings and events. We might be heading for an aviation event, a wedding, a graduation party, a reunion, or just a flying vacation. We would like to be sure our journey to and from our event is uneventful.
This live webinar will discuss airplane prep, skill sharpening, planning for the expected and the unexpected, establishing our personal minimums, our fitness to fly, and more.
Select Number:
Webinar Information
This webinar will be presented live twice, first on June 28, 2022 at 7:00 PM EDT and also on July 12, 2022 at 3:00 PM EDT. Please choose the date and time that is most convenient for you. Registration is limited. If your first choice is already filled, please consider selecting the alternate choice.
Registration is on a third-party site. Please note that registration on FAASafety.gov is not required for this event.
Please be sure to register using the email address you use to access your Wings account.
Please click here to visit the event page on a third party site which includes registration links for each presentation, requirements to earn Wings credit, and also information on viewing a recorded version and a free online course.
After registering, you will receive a unique log-in link to be used on the day and time of the event. You will also receive a reminder email one day before your chosen event which will also contain your unique log-in link.
Check Additional event Information below for possible registration requirements.
Registration Information:
Seminar has passed.
Sponsoring Division:
Additional Event Information & Acknowledgement of Industry Sponsor(s):
The presenter for this event is Gene Benson, FAASTeam Lead Representative,
The event is sponsored by Avemco Insurance Company and qualifies for the Avemco Safety Rewards Program.
The event will be recorded and available for viewing online after the live presentation. Please note that Wings credit cannot be issued for watching the recorded version
Credit Applicability:
1 Credit for Basic Knowledge Topic 3
FAASTeam Project Information:
National Project:
Any Safety Event held based upon data/risk
Additional Event Documents: