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A Beginners Guide to Flying the SF Bay Tour
Flying the Bay Tour is a spectacular treat for Bay Area Pilots, only when it's done safely. Join us and find us how.
Date and Time:
Saturday, October 31, 2020, starting at 12:00 Pacific Daylight Time (13:00 MDT; 14:00 CDT; 15:00 EDT; 09:00 HST; 11:00 AKDT; 12:00 Arizona; 19:00 GMT)
Dan Dyer
Brief Description:

Flying in the San Francisco Bay area is spectacular, a real privilege for local pilots. The Pacific Ocean, a dramatic coastline, beautiful hills, and many famous landmarks. As pilots, we are afforded a rare bird's eye view that we long to share with our friends and family.

So what exactly is a "Bay Tour"?  And, how was it affected by last year's Bravo airspace changes? How did it affect the Bay Tour, and what new implementations will require pilots need to take to account? Founder of the SCFC Dan Dyer will examine the airspace, explain the "Bay Tour" and how a pilot can accomplish one in the safest, simplest, most enjoyable manner.

We'll review the various overlapping airspaces in the area, the territories for each local ATC facility, and the routings most commonly used by Flight Center pilots and suggested by ATC.  You'll learn what options are available to you even if SQL ATIS has the phrase "San Francisco is not taking surface area transitions."

If you are new to the Bay area, want to imagine the different sights you’ll see, or just want to improve your understanding of local airspace customs and procedures, please join us for this popular seminar.


Dan Dyer is the founder of the San Carlos Flight Center, and has built the motto of Safety, Community, and Adventure for over 8 years.  Dan was an instructor for 15 years, accumulated over 4,000 flight hours, and is the Bay Area's local expert in crosswind landing instruction. He is known for finding simple and innovative ways to explain complex topics and regularly speaks on advanced ground school topics.  Find out more about Dan at www.sancarlosflight.com or contact him at dan@sancarlosflight.com



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Webinar Information



Step 1:

Create a free flight center account by clicking on this link.


Step 2:

Log-In (Top rIght of the screen) to your Flight Center account through our main website.


Step 3:

Proceed to this link at the listed seminar start time to watch the seminar live. If you have any questions for the presenter, you will find in the bottom left corner of your screen an "Ask a Question" button to ask your questions.


If you have any technical difficulties signing on to our Livestream at the time of the published seminar, please let me know. The sooner, the better!


NOTE FOR WINGS CREDIT: Please watch till the end to receive a "code phrase" that the presenter will state. After the seminar is over email please click the button at the bottom of the Livestream page saying "Click here for WINGS credit" and we will process your request within a few days.

Check Additional event Information below for possible registration requirements.
Registration Information:
Seminar has passed.
Sponsoring Division:
Contact Information:
Phone: 650-483-0715
Additional Event Information & Acknowledgement of Industry Sponsor(s):

San Carlos Flight Center (SCFC) is the SF Bay Area’s most dynamic flying club, committed to building general aviation through safety, community, and adventure. AOPA has consistently recognized SCFC in their Best Flight School survey, most recently in 2019 as a Distinguished Flight School.

SCFC is committed to promoting safety in general aviation through our regular safety seminars and guest speaker programs. Space is often limited so it is important to sign up early. SCFC members may choose to watch the seminar live over the web at home, or recorded at a later date. Click here or contact a SCFC member service rep at (650) 946-1700 for more information about online access.

Credit Applicability:
½ Credit for Basic Knowledge Topic 1
½ Credit for Basic Knowledge Topic 3
1 Credit for Basic Knowledge Topic 3
FAASTeam Project Information:
National Project:
Any other Operations task not covered in the NPP
Additional Event Documents: