July Topic of the Month - Pattern Precision
Airport Traffic Patterns
Date and Time:
Tuesday, July 7, 2020, starting at 13:00 Eastern Daylight Time (10:00 PDT; 11:00 MDT; 12:00 CDT; 07:00 HST; 09:00 AKDT; 10:00 Arizona; 17:00 GMT)
Tim Mitchell, FAASTeam Representative, DPE
Brief Description:
From early in a pilot’s training they are taught a good landing starts with a good traffic pattern. For this webinar we will discuss the many aspects of the airport traffic pattern such as pattern entry/exit procedures, proper radio communications, and take off and landing performance. In addition, this presentation will provide safety tips for use during a practical test or daily flying, as well as cover some of the common errors associated with the traffic pattern.
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When: Jul 7, 2020 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Thank you to the FAA FAVES for providing Zoom support.
Credit Applicability:
½ Credit for Basic Knowledge Topic 3
FAASTeam Project Information:
National Project:
Topic of the Month
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