Below are the webinar announcements and dates for all three of our webinars for the month of May 2020:
Intro to Weather Briefings
Aviation Weather Hazards: Identify and Avoid
Avoid and Weather Risk Assessment
Please click on the event title below to view the details and register for the events you would like to attend.
"Weather is the most lethal of all major causes of aviation accidents.” Former FAA Administrator
Intro to Weather Briefings
Weather is the most lethal of all major causes of aviation accidents.
In this 90 minute webinar, Delia will show you how to meet the FAA briefing requirements while ALSO developing skills that will allow you to make better decisions regarding flight.
- Learn the 6 elements you MUST CHECK in any brief
- How to significantly reduce the mountain of needless data
- How to use (and the value of) the new graphical forecast for aviation
- When severe weather doesn't qualify as an adverse condition
Plus we'll walk through a standard weather brief, followed by Q&A
Dates offered for this month:
Thursday, 21 May 2020 - Intro to Weather Briefings 4:30 PM PDT/7:30 PM EDT
Thursday, 28 May 2020 - Intro to Weather Briefings 3:30 PM PDT/6:30 PM EDT
Sunday, 31 May 2020 - Intro to Weather Briefings 4:00 PM PDT/7:00 PM EDT
Aviation Weather Hazards: Identify and Avoid
In this 60 minute webinar you’ll learn methods to do just that. Assess the potential hazards and how to avoid them.
• The top resource for assessing potential turbulence or mountain wave.
• Tools that most pilots rely on—that are not reliable (and what to use instead)
• How to determine if thunderstorms will be a factor
• Recognizing turbulence or LLWS even when it's not forecast.
• Identifying mountain weather hazards in areas with few reporting points.
Dates offered for this month:
Wednesday, 20 May 2020 - Aviation Weather Hazards: Identify and Avoid 4:00 PM PDT/7:00 PM EDT
Saturday, 23 May 2020 - Aviation Weather Hazards: Identify and Avoid 8:00 AM PDT/11:00 AM EDT
Wednesday, 27 May 2020 - Aviation Weather Hazards: Identify and Avoid 3:00 PM PDT/6:00 PM EDT
Weather Risk Assessment
In this 90 minute webinar (plus Q&A) Delia will demonstrate her method to clarify and add certainty to often conflicting weather information.
• Learn the top tools to identify each of the six hazards
• The tool most pilots rely on—that is actually the LEAST reliable tool (and what to use instead)
• How to identify “invisible” hazards.
• Recognizing LLWS even when it's not forecast.
This is our level 3 class for more experienced pilots, however, it can also benefit low time pilots.
Dates offered for this month:
Monday, 18 May 2020 - Weather Risk Assessment 3:30 PM PDT/6:30 PM EDT
Monday, 25 May 2020 - Weather Risk Assessment 4:30 PM PDT/7:30 PM EDT
Friday, 29 May 2020 - Weather Risk Assessment 9:00 AM PDT/12:00 PM EDT
We look forward to seeing you in these webinars. Fly safe!