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FAASTeam Notice
Type: General Information
Notice Date: Thursday, December 4, 2014
Notice Number: NOTC5744
This notice expired on
Saturday, January 3, 2015

FAAST Blast — Week of Dec 01 – 07, 2014
Biweekly FAA Safety Briefing News Update

Rulemaking Adjusts Training Device Credit for Pilot Certification
            On Wednesday, December 3, 2014, the FAA issued a direct to final rule that relieves burdens on pilots seeking to obtain aeronautical experience, training, and certification by increasing the allowed use of aviation training devices (ATDs) for instrument training. The rule will increase the allowances under 14 CFR section 61.65(i) to 20 hours for credit in an ATD and allows flight schools operating under part 141 Appendix C to have a 40 percent training credit in an ATD for the instrument rating. Previous allowances for ATD use were capped at 10 hours under part 61 and 10 percent under 141. Due to the sophistication and visual configuration capabilities of ATDs, the rule also removes the requirement to use a view-limiting device.
            The comment period for the direct final rule will close Friday, January 2, 2015. The rule will become effective Tuesday, January 20, 2015, if no adverse comments are received.
            In concert with this rule change is an update to Advisory Circular 61–136A, FAA Approval of Aviation Training Devices and Their Use for Training and Experience, which has been revised to improve guidance for the application and approval of these training devices. The AC also provides additional guidance on ATD use for training and how to properly log the time.

New NOTAM Search Features Now Available
            To help pilots streamline their search for Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs) during flight planning, the FAA rolled out some new search features now available at Among the new features is a “search by flight path” capability that allows pilots to see NOTAMS that apply only to the route they custom select using airports, navigational aids, named fixes, and/or route/airway designators to define a flight path. That flight path width can also be adjusted from one to 125 nautical miles on each side and NOTAMs for up to five alternate airports can also be included. The “search by free text” feature allows you to search for NOTAMs based on a keyword, airport designator, NOTAM number or scenario. Search results can also be custom sorted by location, number, class, start and end dates, and condition.     Users can also export search results to a Microsoft Excel or Adobe PDF document. Additional enhancements to search capability are expected in the near future.
            For more on how to use the search function, click the “help” button at the top right of the NOTAM Search home page to access a user’s guide. Feedback is also encouraged to help make improvements. Next to the help link is a feedback button where you can submit comments.

Chilled to the Bone
            Do you know how to keep your hypothalamus happy? Do you even know why you should? Prolonged exposure to cold weather can wreak havoc on your body and slowly corrupt your basic motor functions; perilous for all but especially for a pilot! To understand more about how cold affects your body and your mind, check out “Chilled to the Bone” in the latest Winter Operations themed edition of FAA Safety Briefing found here:  

Produced by the FAA Safety Briefing editors,
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