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FAASTeam Notice
Type: FAASTeam Representatives (only)
Notice Date: Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Notice Number: NOTC5291
CVG FAASTeam April Newsletter
This notice expired on
Greetings and Salutations!  It's your fearless leader once again.  Well... okay, not quite so fearless, you're not going to see me in line for the Banshee and King's Island.

Here's the rundown of what we've got going for the third quarter:

On May 7th, CVG will be having their runway safety meeting for tenants and employees.  I plan on being in attendance to see how things are going over there.

On May 9th, the CVG FSDO is hosting the annual DPE meeting.  I plan to attend and continue my sales pitch for the WINGS program.

On Sunday May 4th, Moraine Airpark will be having a fly-in shindig and I plan to do a presentation there on owner/operator maintenance.  Yeah, I know, it's a maintenance topic and I'm just a lowly pilot.  But hey, these are the tasks that an owner can perform on their airplane, simple stuff.

The April Topic of the Month is going to be Flight After Inactivity, something that will be very appropriate since we're coming out of the winter no-fly season. Of course, yesterday we got snow again, have to wonder what mother nature is up to these days.  It's probably just an Ohio thing; AC on Monday and snow shovels on Tuesday.  I don't have this one scheduled just yet but I plan on doing it second week in May, probably up at Warren County again although I may try Middletown since I haven't done one there yet.

I don't have the Topic of the Month presentation for May yet, it should be coming in the next week or so.  Once it hits my inbox I'll get out there and show it.

The third quarter CFI forum topic is Aeronautical Decision Making, I haven't gotten this one scheduled yet but I plan to do this one some time in May.

What I've got left on the task list is a Loss of Control presentation and a Maintenance Facility safety presentation.  I can't really do the maintenance once since I'm an ops guy (the guidance won't let me, and I have to do what it says) so I need to call upon the maintenance reps to back me up.  Maybe some of you EJM folks could have a quick gathering on some topic relevant to the shop and get me an attendance list?  As for the Loss of Control, I can knock that one out pretty easily, I think I can roll it into the CFI Forum presentation since LOC is one of the side-effects of not flying for a while and then getting back into the saddle.  

I'm going to be out of the office next week from April 21 to 25, I'll be in OKC for training.  I will have sporadic access to email but probably won't be able to get to so any event approvals or whatnot may get picked up by the regional point of contact if I can't get to them.

The FAASTeam Rep all-hands meeting will be Monday July 14th at noon @ CVG FSDO! Please plan on attending as this will count towards annual training.  I will also be handing out presentation flash drives and will be providing lunch (hope you like pizza).  I'll put the meeting up on to allow for pre-registration.  I hope to see you all there.

I'm going to be in Oshkosh for Airventure from July 27th to April 3rd and will be out of commission that entire week.  

That's all I've got for now.  Stay calm and carry on.  

Jason Forshey, FAASTeam Program Manager, CVG FSDO