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FAASTeam Notice
Type: Airworthiness
Notice Date: Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Notice Number: NOTC3432
Special Maintenance Safety Tip
This notice expired on
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Here we have an excellent example of an accident that did not happen! While an alert IA (or mechanic) discovered the discrepancy, it appears multiple mechanics and IAs missed "seeing" the incorrect installation. Someone made the incorrect installation, and an IA missed it! This example can serve as a reminder that we all need to be diligent in performing our work as mechanics and Inspectors.

You can review this December Maintenance Alert here:

You can see pictures here:

While the Editor's comment in the GA Alert seems to praise the IA who discovered this one, the photos clearly demonstrate a failure to have the cable installed properly in the first place. Undoubtedly, there were many repeated inspections on this V35A over a number of years without anyone noticing the slow sawing action through the primary control tube. 
We need to ask ourselves what we are relying on as the basis for the GA Quality Assurance program, as it relates to qualifications, training, recurrency, following directions, and performing proper inspections.
This is a systemic challenge.