Our IFR Roundtable series brings together advanced and novice IFR pilots to share knowledge about particular aspects of instrument flight. Each session focuses on one small IFR procedure or topic area and we spend time talking through the various challenges, definitions, techniques, and safety issues in that topic area.
This session: Jeppesen or AeroNav (formerly NACO) charts. Which should you use? This is an ancient choice for IFR pilots, with many strong feelings.
Together, let's take a neutral, non-evangelistic look at both chart systems, not only with an examination of their approach charts differences, but also taking into consideration the structure of the complete IFR charting subscription package: departures, arrivals, alternate minimums, climb and descent performance charts, en route charts, airport diagrams, and cross-referencing. We also will look at the differences in subscriptions, updating, coverages, and typical costs, and will show some electronic charting options as time permits.
Presenter Brian Eliot is San Carlos Flight Center’s resident expert for IFR training and Garmin G1000 avionics. He has been flying since 1995 and received all his training in the Bay Area. Brian previously worked as a broadcast engineer, a software developer, and taught computer science at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. He regularly presents at San Carlos Flight Center safety seminars and has a reputation for making complex concepts easy to learn and understand.
San Carlos Flight Center was voted Best Flight School in the US in the 2013 AOPA Flight Training Excellence Awards. We are committed to promoting safety in general aviation through our evening safety seminar programs. For more information about this and any of our weekly seminars, please visit