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Before you will be permitted to take the course exam, you must log in, view the intro chapter, all numbered chapters and the review chapter.
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Security-related procedures and requirements are a fact of life for today’s pilots, especially those who operate in the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area Special Flight Rules Area (DC SFRA) and the DC Flight Restricted Zone (DC FRZ). 
Most of what you already know about operating in the DC ADIZ and DC FRZ applies to the DC SFRA.  If you completed an earlier version of this course, you do not need to take it again.  Even so, it is a good idea to review this material periodically to refresh your understanding.  In addition, always check Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs)before every flight for possible changes.

NOTE:  Additional information is available in the attachments below.  Additionally, a short video is also available below.

A new warning signal for communicating with aircraft is being deployed within the Washington DC Metropolitan Area Air Defense Identification Zone Zone (DC ADIZ), including the Flight Restricted Zone (FRZ). The anticipated operational date is 21 May, 2005.
Click here for the entire text of the special notice (PDF)

This video does not have audio.

Related Media for this Section
View the file qanda.pdf
Visual Warning System Q&A
qanda.pdf (24.49 KB)
View the file Visual Warning System Fact Sheet PCT.pdf
Visual Warning System Fact Sheet
Visual Warning System Fact Sheet PCT.pdf (16.28 KB)

When you complete this course, you will be able to define and explain: 

  • Definition and location of the DC SFRA
    • Standard operating requirements for VFR and IFR flights in the DC SFRA
  • Special procedures for the Leesburg Maneuvering Area
  • Fringe airport operating requirements and procedures
  • Traffic pattern procedures for towered and non-towered airports 
  • Definition and location of the DC FRZ
    • Standard operating requirements for VFR and IFR flights in the DC FRZ
  • Requirements and procedures for the “Maryland 3” airports
  • Requirements and procedures for transiting the DC SFRA
  • Procedures for abnormal / emergency situations
  • Special instructions


This course uses the Flash, which you will open in the next chapter.  It will take approximately 40 - 45 minutes to go through this material.

When you complete the Flash portion of the course, you will find pages with helpful links, high-resolution graphics, and reference materials such as kneeboard guides that you can take with you when you fly. 

At the end of the course is a review.   Following the review is a short multiple choice exam, which you will need to take in a single session. Note: If you have difficulty reaching the Review and/or Exam sections after viewing the course, please go to your account on, log in, go to your Courses In Progress page (located under the Courses link under the Activities, Courses & Seminars tab), and click on Continue. If the Review and/or Exam buttons are "grayed out", be sure each of the previous chapter buttons are completed by clicking on each in turn. This will activate the Review button, which when clicked, will activate the Exam button.

This course was last updated 03-29-2018.

For all other problems, concerns, or questions with the site or how this course runs on your system please contact us through one of the following methods:

  • Contact Us
  • Help - FAQs


To receive appropriate course credit for this course you must:

  • Have an account on
  • Be logged into that account
  • Be enrolled in the course
  • You must visit each chapter of the course, using the navigation bars at the top or bottom of each screen, and complete all the course material found on each.

NOTE: Some links may take you to other sites or open windows on top of the course window. You will need to return to this course on to complete the exam. This might be as simple as closing all the additional windows. However, you may find it necessary to return to, log in again, and then "continue" the course from the Course List.

  • Upon completion of the review section the "EXAM" button will turn blue indicating you are ready to start the examination. Upon successful completion of the exam you are given the appropriate course credit automatically.