Below you will find the details for this webinar. You may register by clicking the registration link found in the Webinar Information section below.

Aerospace Medicine and You
The Dangers Associated With Operations With a Medical Deficiency or While Impaired
Date and Time:
Tuesday, October 25, 2022, starting at 19:00 Eastern Daylight Time (16:00 PDT; 17:00 MDT; 18:00 CDT; 13:00 HST; 15:00 AKDT; 16:00 Arizona; 23:00 GMT)
Ron Levy, ATP, CFI
Brief Description:
  • FAA’s Office of Aerospace Medicine provides medical certification guidance and medical information to pilots.
  • BasicMed – an alternative to traditional pilot medical certification is available to most pilots who are not engaged in flying for compensation or hire.
  • The effects of commonly prescribed and over-the-counter drugs can comprise pilot’s ability to fly safely.
  • Pilots must consider the effects of combinations of drugs.  This is difficult to do without consulting a physician.
  • AMEs are the best source for the effects of drugs and combinations of drugs.
  • Pilots must disclose all of their medical issues to their AMEs in order to receive a comprehensive assessment of their medical condition and fitness to fly.
Select Number:
Webinar Information

You are invited to the following ZoomGov Webinar provided by FAVES. No preregistration necessary.  Just join on line up to 15 minutes before start.  Optional ways to join are:

Click to Join:

Password:  301125 • If prompted, accept the Zoom application as instructed • For a camera enabled PC or laptop & Optimized for Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge

Web Browser:

• Click the JOIN button; enter Webinar ID: 161 169 6286                                Password:  301125 • If prompted, accept the Zoom application as instructed • For a camera enabled PC or laptop & Optimized for Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge

Mobile Device:

• Download the ‘Zoom Cloud Meetings’ App                                                                   • Select ‘Join a Meeting’ and enter Webinar ID: 161 169 6286                                Password:   301125

Phone Audio Only:

• Call 1-888-924-3239; enter Webinar ID: 161 169 6286                                           Password:   301125

Check Additional event Information below for possible registration requirements.
Registration Information:
Seminar has passed.
Sponsoring Division:
Contact Information:
Phone: (410) 430-4078
Additional Event Information & Acknowledgement of Industry Sponsor(s):

Original Author: John Steuernagle

AFS-850 POC: Kevin Clover, National FAASTeam Program Manager (Operations), Office 562-888-2020

Special Thanks to Jon M. Grazer, MD, William J. Tsai, MD, and G. J. Salazar, MD, MPH


Credit Applicability:
1 Credit for Basic Knowledge Topic 3
FAASTeam Project Information:
National Project:
Topic of the Month
Additional Event Documents: