Below you will find the details for this webinar. You may register by clicking the registration link found in the Webinar Information section below.

ForeFlight VFR Flight Planning 101 with Mike Jesch a VC99s Pilot Proficiency Webinar
Using ForeFlight for VFR Flight Planning
Date and Time:
Wednesday, August 4, 2021, starting at 17:00 Pacific Daylight Time (18:00 MDT; 19:00 CDT; 20:00 EDT; 14:00 HST; 16:00 AKDT; 17:00 Arizona; Thursday, August 5, 2021 00:00 GMT)
Captain Mike Jesch, ATP, CFI, CFII, MEI, AGI, IGI.
Brief Description:

 ForeFlight VFR Flight Planning 101 and 201 are two webinars in the Ventura County 99s 2021 Pilot Proficiency Webinars. In these two VFR flight planning webinars Mike Jesch will establish a foundation of preflight planning techniques for you to build on as you develop your skills.

Select Number:
Webinar Information

ForeFlight VFR Flight Planning 101 and 201 (August 4 and 25, 2021, 5 -6 pm PDT).  


This is the first of two ForeFlight VFR Flight Planning webinars sponsored by the Ventura County 99s. Because the two webinars are on different dates, you need a separate registration for each webinar.  If (and only if) you register for the webinar(s) and are unable to attend or want to watch the webinar(s) again, we will send you a link where you can watch a recording of the webinar.


Please register in advance.  Our Zoom webinar membership limits the number of attendees we can accommodate.  To make sure you have a virtual seat at the webinar, we recommend you preregister early and check in for the webinar 10 minutes in advance.  If attendees exceed our capacity limits, the overage will be directed to a YouTube Live channel to watch the webinar.


Use this link to register for the August 4,  2021 webinar:


Use this link to register for the August 25, 2021 webinar:





Check Additional event Information below for possible registration requirements.
Registration Information:
Seminar has passed.
Sponsoring Division:
Contact Information:
Susan Liebeler or Barb Filkins
Phone: 805-312-9299
Additional Event Information & Acknowledgement of Industry Sponsor(s):

ForeFlight VFR Flight Planning 101 and 201

Ventura County 99s Pilot Proficiency Webinars

August 4 and 25, 2021, 5-6 pm PDT


ForeFlight VFR Flight Planning 101  Wings Program # WP01106255

ForeFlight VFR Flight Planning 201  Wings Program # WP01106256


If you are new to ForeFlight or just want a review, these two ForeFlight VFR Flight Planning webinars are for you.

In ForeFlight VFR Flight Planning 101 and 201 we will assume that you already know how to plan a flight using “old school” flight planning techniques such as paper charts and flight logs or other EFBs.  MIke Jesch will cover:

  • The basics of designing a VFR flight route using ForeFlight.
  • How to analyze that route and demonstrate methods to identify various issues such as airspace, terrain, and weather, and make appropriate adjustments to the route .
  • How to use the route, altitude, and alternate advisor features.
  • And much more

ForeFlight Flight Planning 101 will present the basics of designing a VFR flight route Using ForeFlight.  ForeFlight Flight Planning 201 will build upon Planning 101 to show advanced features, tips and tricks to analyze your VFR flight route.  Note:  Planning 101 is not a pre-requisite for Planning 102, although attendance at both is highly recommended, or viewing the recording for Planning 101 before attending Planning 201.

Additional ForeFlight webinars will discuss how to file flight plans, obtain weather briefings, add procedures to your flight plans, and use other ForeFlight tools.  

HAVE AVAILABLE DURING THE WEBINAR: If you want to follow along on your iPad, please have ForeFlight already loaded with current version of ForeFlight, taxi diagrams, A/FD (Chart Supplement), and VFR charts for California. 

WINGS CREDIT:   If you want WINGS credit, you must register for the webinar(s) with the same email address you use in the FAA WINGS program. Please allow ten days to receive your WINGS credits.


Use this link to register for the August 4, 2021 webinar:


             Use this link to register for the August 25, 2021 webinar:


INSTRUCTOR:  Captain Mike Jesch holds ATOP, CFI-ASME-IA and CGI-AI certificates. He has been a ground and flight instructor since 1983, and has flown many thousands of hours "in The System."  He's been an airline pilot since 1985 and now flies as Captain of a Boeing 787 Dreamliner.  But his "real" flying takes place in his IFR-equipped Cessna 182 based at Fullerton CA or  whatever his clients show up with to fly that day. He is a two-time Master-CFI, a FAASTeam Lead Representative, and the 2021 Western Pacific Region FAASTeam Rep of the Year.  As a speaker on the national stage, he has presented on a wide range of subjects across the country for numerous groups, including AOPA, many EAA Chapters, the Ninety-Nines, the FAASTeam and many more.  Mike is a lifetime member of the Society of Aviation Fight Educators (SAFE).



Credit Applicability:
1 Credit for Basic Knowledge Topic 3
FAASTeam Project Information:
National Project:
Attend Aviation Safety Event Sponsored by a non-FAA Group or Organization
Additional Event Documents: