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Why Participate in WINGS
- Completing targeted, consistent training will make you a safer pilot.
- Each time you complete a phase of WINGS, your Flight Review Date is extended for 24 calendar months from the month in which you completed the Phase. For example, if you complete a phase of WINGS on March 6, 2024, your Flight Review Date will be extended to March 31, 2026.
- Pilots may earn a Phase of WINGS using a seaplane and get a distinctive Sea WINGS pin for that accomplishment. Be sure to modify your Airman Profile to show you hold a seaplane rating. The system will check that you actually hold a Seaplane rating when you request the Sea WINGS pin.
The Basics
WINGS has three Levels: Basic, Advanced and Master. Within each Level, you can complete as many Phases as you wish. In addition, you can complete a Phase of WINGS as often as you would like. To complete each Phase, you must earn 6 credits consisting of 3 Knowledge credits (Courses, Seminars, or Activities) and 3 Flight credits. The primary focus of each activity determines the applicable credit.
The Basic Level of WINGS is open to all pilots; this is the initial level of the WINGS Program. It is designed for those pilots wanting a recurrent training program that will provide them a higher level of proficiency than simply preparing for a normal Flight Review. Six credits are needed:
Basic Topics (Private Pilot Level)
- 1 Knowledge Credit for Knowledge Topic 1 - Risk Management
- 1 Knowledge Credit for Knowledge Topic 2 - Aircraft Operations
- 1 Knowledge Credit for Knowledge Topic 3 - Elective
- 1 Flight Credit for Flight Topic 1 - Operating on and around airports/heliports/seaplane bases
- 1 Flight Credit for Flight Topic 2 - Flight Operations away from airports/heliports/seaplane bases
- 1 Flight Credit for Flight Topic 3 - Elective
To receive credit for the Advanced or Master levels, a phase at the Basic level must be completed within 12 months of completing a phase at the Advanced or Master level. A pilot at any skill level is permitted to complete activities at any level listed below, provided they meet the appropriate standard.
Advanced Topics (Commercial Pilot Level)
- 1 Credit for Flight Topic 1 - Operating on and around airports/heliports/seaplane bases
- 2 Credits for Flight Topic 2 - Flight Operations away from airports/heliports/seaplane bases, or Electives
- 1 Credit for Knowledge Topic 1: Risk Management
- 2 Credits for Knowledge Topic 2: Airport Operations or Electives
Master Topics (CFI/ATP Level)
- 1 Credit for Flight Topic 1: Operating on and around airports/heliports/seaplane bases
- 2 Credits for Flight Topic 2: Flight Operations away from airports/heliports/seaplane bases, or electives
- 1 Credit for Knowledge Topic 1: Risk Management
- 2 Credits for Knowledge Topic 2: Airport Operations or Electives
You are required to complete a Phase in the Basic Level of WINGS before you can earn a phase in the Advanced or Master levels. For pilots desiring to demonstrate a higher level of proficiency, the WINGS Program offers two additional skill levels, Advanced and Master WINGS. To participate at the Advanced level, you must demonstrate proficiency one grade above the proficiency demonstrated at the initial WINGS Level. The Master Level is one standard higher than the Advanced Level.
- For example, a pilot who demonstrated Private Pilot skills for the Basic Level will be required to demonstrate skills meeting Commercial Pilot standards for the Advanced WINGS Level.
- Some activities may only be worth half a credit (.50), while more complex activities may be worth 2 or more credits. Some activities complete an entire Phase!
- The Knowledge 2 topic can be filled by either a Performance and Limitations activity or a Runway Safety activity, or both!
- The knowledge 3 topic can be filed by either a Preflight Planning, Risk Management, and Fuel Management topic or one of the other topics listed.
- To complete a Phase, all required credits must be completed within 12 months. If a credit expires before you complete a phase, you must earn that credit again.
- When you are done with a Phase of WINGS, simply print your certificate and begin your next Phase. A new set of activities for your next Phase will be automatically loaded onto your WINGS checklist.
WINGS Checklist
- Utilizing the WINGS checklist will help you to effectively manage your WINGS phase and ensure you complete only activities that are applicable to your phase.
- When you visit "My WINGS" for the first time, we will preselect activities for you that will fulfill your current Phase within each Level of WINGS. The activities we preselect are based on the information you have completed in your Airman Profile. If you like the activities we have preselected, just complete them.
- If you want to replace an activity with something else, click on the “Search” link associated with the activity. The search results will show you activities that meet the same credit requirement. When you find the one you want, click “Select” to add it to your checklist. The old activity will be removed.
- Once you have your checklist filled with the activities you desire, you can print your checklist. This can be a valuable tool to provide to your flight instructor, as it will outline the details of each activity you need to complete.
- To move between Basic WINGS, Advanced WINGS and Master WINGS, click on the appropriate tab. Each tab shows you what Phase you are working on within that Level. You are welcome to work on Basic, Advanced and Master at the same time. However, neither the Advanced nor the Master phase will be granted until you have completed a "Current" Phase at the Basic Level of WINGS.
- If you complete an activity that fulfills multiple credit requirements, it will appear in multiple slots on your checklist. (Sometimes even across Levels, i.e., Basic, Advanced and Master). Click on the activity name to get the full details.
- Once you have completed a Flight Activity, click the Request Credit link to request credit from your CFI or validator. Your instructor may also give you immediate credit by visiting In this case, do not Request Credit on this page!
- Many items have a comment bubble icon next to them. This is known as a “Tool Tip” and you can move your mouse over them to see additional information.
- Click on your logbook tab to see a history of phases you have completed. Click on any Phase Number to see a list of activities that are applied to that completed Phase. Click the View Certificate link to view or print your certificate. You can also see the credits you have completed but which have not yet been applied to a phase of WINGS by clicking that link.
- Unapplied credits are for courses that do not show in your current WINGS phase because you completed another course that already fills that requirement. These courses will be applied automatically in your phase, or they stay in queue waiting for your current courses to time out in 12 months. They are then used in chronological order.
- When you are done with a Phase of WINGS, you will see a message on your checklist. Simply print your certificate and begin your next Phase. A new set of activities for your next Phase will be automatically loaded onto your WINGS checklist.
Activity History
- Click the Activities link under the Activities, Courses & Seminars tab to view a summary of all activities associated with your account.
- The summary will display all activities for which you have earned credit, requested credit, or for which credit has been rejected for the past 2 years. You can also print this summary by clicking the Print-Friendly version link.
- Click the following link, or the link in the login portal to view your activity history page: Your Activity History
WINGS At a Glance
This section, found on the right side of they My WINGS page, lists the date your flight review expires, current phases, highest phases achieved, link to claim your WINGS Pins and Sweepstakes entry, highest phase achieved in the old WINGS program, and links to useful WINGS tools.
To print your WINGS certificate, find your highest phase achieved, and then click the link to the right for each phase. Clicking the link will allow you to view/download the certificate. You can print or save the certificate from that page. Page 2 is the wallet card that shows your WINGS Phase achieved and your Flight Review.
Unapplied Credits
All credits are unapplied credits until they are used in a WINGS phase, or they expire (after 12 months). The system automatically applies credits when the user has completed the 6 activities required for a WINGS phase.
Unapplied credits are explained in the 2nd bullet on the My WINGS page (link below) under the Helpful Tips section. Credits cannot be changed from one level or subject area to another because they cover different subjects and different certification levels. Credits are determined when the activity is created and cannot be changed or moved.
Submit Feedback
Q. How do I submit feedback for a seminar, webinar, flight or other activities?
A. Click here to submit feedback or paste this URL into your browser. Please include the event select number or the activity number in your feedback.
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